Carney’s Community Volunteer Bike Mechanic
Bike Workshop
Bike Workshop Sessions – Thursdays 17:00 – 20:00
For ages 11-17. Free for all.
Carney’s Community
Our Bike Workshop sessions run every Thursday. From 5pm to 6.45pm young people can come down to the centre with their bikes to work on basic repairs with our bike mechanic, take part in group cycles and during bad weather do on site bike related activities. We then offer a free hot meal to all young people involved in the Bike Workshop and cycle. From 6.45pm to 8pm we run a Bike Maintenance Course, led by our Bike Mechanic. This course is by referral only and last for 5 weeks. On the course young people learn skills such as puncture repairs and the M-Check. Those who complete the course have the opportunity to earn a free bike and take part in our Bike social enterprise.
The Role
Carneys are looking for a volunteer to join the session to support our bike mechanic and work with the young people on repairs and maintenance. If you are interested, let a member of the team know and they can print an application form.
Here is the link to our website:
Job Category: Mechanic
Job Type: Volunteer
Job Location: London